Yinka Abioye of FESTAC AFRICA and Hassan Ali Mzee of ZATO endorse MoU with African Tourism Board in Readiness for the Event

The Chairman of FESTAC AFRICA, Mr. Yinka Abioye has endorsed the understanding reached between his organisation based in South Africa and African Tourism Board based in the Kingdom of Eswatni on a 3 year collaboration. Also endorsing, Mr. Hassan Ali Mzee, the Local Partner Chairman of Zanzibar Association of Tour Operators.
Both Abioye and Mzee welcomed the partnership and believed it would encourage continental tourism collaboration and also trade opportunity.They also invited all business sectors to take advantage of FESTAC AFRICA platform and use it to amplify continental trade while taking advantage of the AfCTA to boost economic growth amongst member states.
Chief among the understanding reached was the expected collaborative efforts on the staging of the forthcoming FESTAC AFRICA which aims at showcasing the beauty of Africa through tourism, trade and investment.
This became imperative as the FESTAC AFRICA gets ready to host the Festival of Arts and Cutlture -Africa FESTAC AFRICA 2022 in Zanzibar where ATB has established a very strong connection with a robust tourism network across Africa, as well as ZATO having the grip of the island, tourism wise.

Deliberations have been on between FESTAC AFRICA and African Tourism Board, geared towards ensuring a successfull event where many activities such as conferences, sports tourism, arts, gastronomy, tours, fashion, etc. would fill the days between 23rd-29th May, 2022.
On the MoU deliberations, ATB was represented by Amb. Mariam Ally Lesian, the brand ambassador of ATB in Tanzania while FESTAC AFRICA was represented by the Group CEO, Grace Mumo.
ATB has been in the vanguard of promoting domestic, regional and continental tourism with a strong network of ambassadors within the continent as well as other major stakeholders and strategic partners all over the world.