President of CTMB, Dine Bouraima Inaugurates 5 Commissions for the Organisation


The President of the Consortium Touristes Par Millions Au Benin, a leading tourism organization in Benin Republic, Amb. Dine Bouraima has inaugurated five Commissions within the organisation yesterday, at Azalai Hotel, Cotonou.

The motive behind the constitution of the Commissions is to strategically position the organization for the opportunities that the tourism sector would create and to be in alliance with the global best practices in tourism.

Amb. Dine Bouraima with the newly inaugurated Presidents and other Members of the Commissions

Certain pro-active members of the organization were selected and subsequently took oath of office where the President of the organisation admonished them to be deligent in the discharge of their duties.

The fifteen newly Sworn in Presidents and other Members of the Five Commissions of CTMB at Azalai Hotel, Cotonou

The heads of the five Commissions which are within tourism, events, capacity building, ethics etc. are :

1.Mrs. Ola Ojukwu

2. Fabrice Sonou

3. Alexander Ayite

4. Ulrich Adjovi

5. Mrs. Francine Aissi.

The Inauguration Communique

They are expected to swing into action and start working towards making the organisation a force to be reckoned with in Benin Republic and beyond when it comes to tourism.

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