Ethiopia’s State Minister of Tourism Receives ATB Team in his Office, Agrees to Synergise with the Organisation


Hon. Sileshi Girma, State Minister of Tourism, Ethiopia has received the ATB team in his office at the Ministry of Tourism in Addis Ababa, yesterday as part of the team’s working visit to Ethiopia.

The follow-up meeting with the Executive Chairman of ATB Hon. Cuthbert Ncube became an affirmation of Ethiopia’s commitment to collaborating with ATB in conjunction with the AU on the agenda of making the continent stand as one especially within the tourism space.

Hon. Seleshi Girma, State Minister of Tourism, Ethiopia with Hon. Cuthbert Ncube, ATB Chairman at the Minister’s office in Addis Ababa

Both leaders agreed to capitalize on, and appreciate tourism as a catalyst to kick-starting the process of re-shaping and achieving the aim of brand-marketing Africa as a single destination of preference.

Hon. Seleshi Girma agreed on the ATB’s vision to make Africa a one stop shop for the continental and global visitors’ participation that would drive and position the tourism sector as a key driver for a healthy, sustainable eco-tourism growth.

L-R Amb. Dine Bouraima, ATB Board Member, Hon. Seleshi Girma, State Minister, Tourism, Ethiopia, Hon. Cuthbert Ncube, ATB Chairman and Amb. Hiwotie Amberbir, ATB MICE Global Coordinator at the Minister’s office in Addis Ababa

The other ATB members of the team included Amb. Dine Bouraima, a board member of ATB and Amb. Hiwotie Amberbir, the ATB MICE Global Coordinator and other large group who had earlier on paid a courtesy visit to the AU headquarters, where they were warmly received by the AU leadership which included Hon. Seleshi Girma.

Significantly, Ethiopia’s economy is dependent upon travel, tourism, leisure, cultural heritages, hospitality and the related sectors and religion tourism is one of the heritages and one of the key eco-tourism growth factors that dates back to 4th century AD, as the happened to be one of the key first regions in the world to officially accept Christianity.

With so much to offer, the country boasts of great attractions to be picked up by a traveler into his basket among destinations.

Another attraction that stands out is the Blue Nile Falls, known as “Tis Abay” in Amharic, translated to “Great Smock”, situated on the upper course of the river, the falls are one of Ethiopia’s best known tourist attractions. The blue Nile falls isolate Lake Tana from the ecology of the rest of the Nile River and this isolation has played a role in the evolution of the endemic fauna of the lake.

Ethiopia for sure has so much to offer aside being the capital of Africa, housing the AU, but with so much tourism potential that the world must see and indulge in.

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