EARTE – BURUNDI Ends with a Call for Pro-activeness on Making East Africa Region a Tourism Bee-hive


To call it a wrap at the East African Regional Tourism Expo in Burundi, a spectacular closing ceremony was held today with a call by the regional stakeholders for a pro-active approach towards making the region a tourism bee-hive.

The closing that was graced by two Ministers of Tourism, Burundi and the Hon Minister from South Sudan saw the event climaxed with a full panel discussions on opportunities to be explored within the East Africa block.

L-R Mr. Frank Mugisha, Hon. Marie Chantal Nijimbere, Minister of Tourism, Trade and Industry at the Expo

The second East African Tourism Expo focused on promoting regional block as a preferred destination of choice which attracted a wide range of participants from within the region and beyond.

The expo also had exhibitors across from all the tourism sectors and its value chain.

Hon. Cuthbert Ncube, ATB Chairman at the closing of EARTE in Burundi today

It will be recalled that the expo was officially opened by the Vice-President of the Republic of Burundi whose passionate plea was to position Burundi in the regional space and beyond the East Africa Community.

Burundi is known for its rich cultural offerings with a wider range of activities in its virgin, yet untaped eco-tourism system.

The Secretery General of the East Africa Community block on his part emphasised the urgent need to position the expo as a driver to enhancing the regional destination marketing strategies of the block as they pride with so much offerings that stands as a complementary to the regional Member States.

L-R Amb. Hiwotie Amberbir, Mr. Frank Mugisha and Hon. Cuthbert Ncube at the event

The expo will be capped by a two day Fam tour that would expose the hosted buyers, delegates, exhibitors and some other participants to discovering Burundi in its fullness, by indulging in the cultural diversity and participating in the drum experience, a uniqueness to the enchanting Burundi, a land with a beauty that adorns continental Africa with a reverberating slogan: “Burundi – the country of Sacred Drums”.

While the programme lasted, investment opportunities were also unveilled as the block affirmed its commitment on a single market, thereby erasing visa regime that has always been a thorn in the flesh of the regional travelers.

Practically, the East Africa Region has discounted all tourism attractions adopted by the EAC block which has received a welcoming applauds from the ATB as a giant step at repositioning Africa torwards an inclusive participation for all and thereby integrating and promulgating a seamless travel experience for a would be tourist within, to the region, and Burundi in particular.

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