AFRICA TO WORLD World : These Africans are at the Helm of Affairs, Leading Global Organizations Across and Achieving Heroic Status

Certainly, there is no better time than now, when many international organizations across the world are being led by Africans from male to female in an almost equal magnitude,repreesenting different regions present in Africa.
Definitely, this doesn’t come with a thought process of laziness but assidous efforts from these individuals who have developed through their careers and rising to the echelon.
These great Africans should be celebrated and perceived the as the top-notch role models rather than some unscrupulous elements that the youths of Africa look up to instead.
The likes of Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus from Ethiopia – Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) who has been doing heroic job in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic by ensuring Africa and the rest of the world remain safe using his intelligence and initiative to suprress the wildspread of the pandemic.
Let us meet and salute this Africans as our prides and gift to the world:

These are the hope and the future that new generations of Africans should look up to as role models for the continent’s advancement.