AVA2050 Summit: Ncube Advocates Paving Path for Sustainable Future in African Tourism


Maseru, Lesotho

Dr. Cuthbert Ncube, the Executive Chairman of the African Tourism Board, delivered a profound and inspiring closing address as the Guest of Honour to a gathering of visionaries, leaders and stakeholders across the continent during the closing of VISIONAFRIC AVA2050 Summit in Maseru, Lesotho yesterday.

His remarks resonated deeply with the summit’s theme of “Empowering the Future Together,” emphasizing the collaborative spirit necessary to shape a prosperous and sustainable future for African tourism.

Dr. Ncube began by expressing his deepest gratitude to the esteemed guests, delegates, and attendees who participated in the summit. He lauded their unwavering commitment to the growth of Africa’s tourism industry, highlighting how their collaborative efforts are essential in turning challenges into opportunities and dreams into realities.

As we embrace the theme of ‘Empowering the Future Together,’ let us remember the importance of strategic management, innovative business development strategies, international cooperation, and visionary leadership in shaping the future of African tourism,” Dr. Ncube urged. His words underscored the necessity of collective action in creating a tourism industry that not only celebrates Africa’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty but also fosters economic growth and inclusivity.

A significant portion of his address focused on the importance of environmental conservation within the tourism sector. Dr. Ncube emphasized that it is the responsibility of industry leaders to prioritize the protection of Africa’s natural landscapes and wildlife for future generations. He advocated for responsible tourism practices, such as minimizing waste and reducing carbon footprints, as crucial measures to maintain the delicate balance of Africa’s ecosystems.

By leveraging innovative technologies and sustainable practices, we can ensure that future generations continue to enjoy the wonders of our continent,” he remarked, stressing the role of cutting-edge solutions in preserving the environment. He called for a unified vision of tourism that is ethical, equitable, and environmentally responsible, one that not only enriches lives but also nurtures the planet.

Dr. Ncube also highlighted the importance of education and capacity-building in the evolution of African tourism. He urged for investments in training programs that empower individuals with the knowledge and skills required to navigate the ever-changing tourism landscape. Such initiatives, he noted, are vital in cultivating a workforce that is both capable and passionate about promoting Africa as a premier travel destination.

Fostering partnerships between educational institutions, industry stakeholders, and local communities can create a more cohesive and sustainable approach to tourism development,” he stated. Dr. Ncube emphasized the need to encourage initiatives that showcase Africa’s rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and unique wildlife, as these would not only attract international visitors but also instill pride among local populations.

In a call to action, Dr. Ncube championed the inclusion of underrepresented groups, particularly women and youth, in the tourism sector. He pointed out that embracing diversity would unlock new perspectives and ideas that drive innovation and growth, leading to a more equitable and dynamic industry.

The goal is to create a resilient and adaptable tourism sector that not only thrives economically but also contributes positively to the social and environmental well-being of Africa,” he concluded. Through continuous learning, collaboration, and a shared vision, Dr. Ncube believes that the African tourism industry can pave the way for a prosperous and sustainable future.

As he closed his remarks, Dr. Ncube urged all attendees to become champions of Africa’s tourism revival. He envisioned a future where the continent’s landscapes are filled with laughter, where cultures intertwine, and where unity becomes the cornerstone of African tourism’s success.

Asante sana. Ngiyabonga. Merci. Shukran. Thank you,” he concluded, leaving the audience with a powerful message of hope, unity, and determination.

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