ATB Chairman, Cuthbert Ncube Congratulates team as AU leadership in Addis Ababa Welcomes the ATB led Delegation


The Chairman of African Tourism Board Board, Hon. Cuthbert Ncube has sent in a congratulatory message to the ATB team led by Amb. Dine Bouraima representing Benin Republic and others who were well received by the leadership of the African Union in Addis Ababa today.

The mmessage was sent to the Communications Department of ATB from Malabo, the capital of Equatorial Guinea, where he is currently a guest of the Vice President of the country.

Ambassador Dine Bouraima, representing Benin Republic led the team to the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa

“It gives us a great pride in ATB as our delegation were well received by the African Union at the A.U HQs in a marathon of engagements that emanated from Equatorial Guinea”, Ncube said.

L- H. E Albert M. Muchanga, Commissioner, Economic, Trade, Industry and Mining Dept. ( ETIM) and R- State Minister, Mr. Sileshi Girma at the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa

He further eulogised the unflinching relentless efforts of ATB and its Ambassadors who are dedicated to the organization in its quest to making Africa a one tourism destination.

“In our strides for a continental inclusiveness approach in developing tourism within the continent, the delegation was led by a dedicated team of Ambassadors who have, and are behind the success of ATB as an Organization in its advocacy of rebranding the continent and positioning its glory”.

The delegation was received by H. E. Albert M. Muchanga, Commissioner, Economic, Trade, Industry and Mining Dept. (ETIM) and State Minister, Mr. Sileshi Girma.

Other members of the delegation to the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa

The agenda during the visit included:

  1. Endorsement of ATB as a catalyst for implementation of a Continental Tourism Appreciation ( CTA).
  2. Strategic Partnership with the AU.
  3. Enhancing Continental Tourism in the Member States.
  4. Priority benefits of collaborative Intercontinental approach.
  5. Accelerating AU agenda 2063 items.
  6. ATB to work jointly with the AU in supporting its vision.
  7. ATB’s initiative in the promotion of the AU passport.

The ATB team will continue its official visit to the Africa’s capital, Ethiopia tommorrow with a visit to the country’s tourism stakeholders and other tourist destinations.

You will recall that the team was earlier in Equitorial Guinea on a familiarisation tour to unravel the tourism potential of the country.

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